The Importance of Documented Buyer Personas B2B Messaging The Importance of Documented Buyer Personas If your core goal is to sell more to your market, doesn’t it make sense…Philip JonesApril 5, 2017
It’s All About Conversion B2B MessagingBlender B2B Marketing BlogsCompany Culture It’s All About Conversion Has a business card ever closed a deal for your company? Not unless it was…Philip JonesMarch 21, 2017
World Compliment Day B2B MessagingCompany Culture World Compliment Day Compliments can be powerful. They breed respect, gratitude, trust and a sense of possibility. If…Philip JonesFebruary 7, 2017
Product Differentiation and Effective Messaging B2B Messaging Product Differentiation and Effective Messaging When the roles of marketing and sales get blurred, product messaging can fail to create…Philip JonesJuly 29, 2016
Statistics Every B2B Company Should Know to Boost Their Sales B2B MessagingBudgeting and Marketing ROIMarketing for Small Businesses Statistics Every B2B Company Should Know to Boost Their Sales B2B sales teams have a lot on their plate nowadays and if marketing is not…Philip JonesFebruary 15, 2016
Are You Wasting Money on Trade Shows B2B MessagingCompany Culture Are You Wasting Money on Trade Shows Trade shows are expensive. Sure, it’s a great opportunity to get in front of illusive…Philip JonesAugust 20, 2015
Quality and Customer Service Are Killing Your B2B Sales Messaging B2B MessagingBlender B2B Marketing BlogsBrand Messaging Quality and Customer Service Are Killing Your B2B Sales Messaging You are competing to be the best, right? Of course you are, but your bias…Philip JonesJuly 28, 2015