Marketing in a Recession: Preparing & Prioritizing B2B Marketing StrategyMarketing Plan Marketing in a Recession: Preparing & Prioritizing Marketing in a recession can be an extremely difficult task. With the right preparation and…Philip JonesAugust 23, 2022
Marketing in a Recession: How to Plan Ahead B2B Marketing StrategyMarketing Plan Marketing in a Recession: How to Plan Ahead Is your business worried about a possible recession and wondering how to handle marketing in…Philip JonesAugust 12, 2022
10 Elements All Digital Marketing Plans Should Include B2B Digital MarketingMarketing Plan 10 Elements All Digital Marketing Plans Should Include What is B2B digital marketing, how is it different from B2C digital marketing, what tactics…Philip JonesApril 22, 2022
How to create buyer personas to boost B2B sales B2B Digital MarketingBlender B2B Marketing BlogsMarketing Plan How to create buyer personas to boost B2B sales The best way to maximize your digital marketingĀ investment is to properly target the right people…Philip JonesAugust 20, 2019
The 7 phases of the B2B sales process you must optimize to grow Blender B2B Marketing BlogsMarketing Plan The 7 phases of the B2B sales process you must optimize to grow Your marketing should support these key phases of the B2B sales cycle.Philip JonesMay 13, 2019
How to map your B2B sales cycle to boost growth Blender B2B Marketing BlogsMarketing Plan How to map your B2B sales cycle to boost growth With a clear picture of every action your sales team takes to close a deal,…Philip JonesApril 17, 2019
Sabotaging your sales is no joke Blender B2B Marketing BlogsMarketing Plan Sabotaging your sales is no joke Pranks can be funny, but losing money is no laughing matter. So, our extra warning…Philip JonesMarch 27, 2019
5 Telltale Signs You Need to Hire a Marketing Agency Budgeting and Marketing ROIMarketing Plan 5 Telltale Signs You Need to Hire a Marketing Agency Many CEOs and business owners have seen their workload become overwhelming over time. Priorities such…Philip JonesMay 28, 2016