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Is your business struggling with B2B lead generation because there never seem to be enough Sales Qualified Leads (SQLs) in the pipeline? It seems like most companies are always scrambling for the next deal. While it makes sense to spend resources looking for people ready to buy RIGHT NOW, neglecting Marketing Qualified Leads (MQLs) is likely what is keeping you from having a steady and predictable supply of SQLs. Remember, 100% of your future revenue potential from net new leads will come from people who are NOT ready to buy right now. MQLs help you enhance predictability, speed up your sales pipeline, prepare your target market for purchases, and bolster brand recognition for higher closing rates. That return on investment is well worth the effort.

So, let’s dig into what we recommend for B2B companies that are willing to pursue creating a healthy balance of both SQLs and MQLs in their pipeline.

Here are Our Top Strategies for B2B Lead Generation That Work MUCH Faster

Speaking Engagements – Speaking opportunities are a great way to get in front of entire live (or virtual) audiences who have already demonstrated an interest in your industry or expertise. They have already raised their hand to learn more from you, or your speaking colleagues, and can easily be primed to keep a conversation going and make fast progress toward a “yes” decision. 

Referral Cultivation – Getting referrals from satisfied customers can be a powerful way to drive word-of-mouth marketing within your target market. Leveraging referrals from your existing customers taps into the inner circles of potential buyers. This is especially important because most people are more likely to follow up with a referral from a person they trust than through any other avenue.

Digital Marketing – 

  • Google Ads – Your buyers are out there. You just need to make sure you speak to them. Understand buying intent and develop a robust keyword strategy for success. Look for the keywords that indicate not just buying intent but research and early stage problem solving intent (the things they will try before looking for a product or service like yours). This is where you can do an end run around your competitors and insert yourself into the buying process earlier.
  • LinkedIn Ads – If your business offers educational resources or high-value content, consider leveraging LinkedIn ads. Follow up is key to turning these conversions into true SQLs.

Niche Down – Focusing on a specific niche within your target market, can yield faster and more precise results in terms of B2B lead generation and conversion. Remember that your total addressable market size doesn’t matter unless you can start conversations with those who have the most urgent and expensive need.

Webinars – Despite being an older tactic, webinars remain effective for lead generation when the content is compelling and valuable to the audience. Collaborating with co-sponsors and ensuring interactive sessions during the webinar can increase engagement and prompt attendees to take the next step in the buyer’s journey.

Account Based Marketing – Personalizing your marketing efforts and crafting a tailored journey for selected prospects can help you align your solutions with the specific problems faced by potential clients, leading to faster conversions.

Earned Media – Getting your business name in the media increases your brand awareness, gives you added credibility, and raises your exposure, and likely tells a success story. Following up on earned media opportunities can drive leads and revenue growth.

Cross-Sell and Upsell – Seeking out spaces where your target audience frequents but your competitors have yet to establish a presence can give you a leg up. For instance, capitalize on significant growth through organic SEO if your competitors are neglecting this channel or, consider dominating a social platform that enables you to connect with a specific community.

Some of these B2B lead generation tactics are more conventional while others are more unique. Choose your tactics wisely based on your opportunities for growth, and remember to give your audience the information they’re craving, provide the experiences they’re looking for, and make them feel confident about investing their time and attention in what you have to offer. 

If you are thinking about taking your B2B lead generation to the next level with added support, let us know. At The Marketing Blender, we have deep experience in executing effective B2B lead generation techniques. We are equipped to help you every step of the way. Contact us today!